Six health benefits of burning Sage
Credit: Life hack Sage (Salvia) is an evergreen perennial shrub often used for culinary, medicinal and ornamental purposes. It is used as a spice and as a health-enhancing agent in traditional medicine. Sage has long been used in Egyptian, Roman, Greek, and Native American healing traditions. Burn dried sage to cure and protect from disease, increase wisdom, and increase immunity to disease. Dried sage leaves can be used as a spice in cooking. Sage can also be taken internally as a liquid, spray, lozenge, capsule, or tablet. Sage burning is burning sage leaves and purifying the air in your home with smoke. The purpose of burning sage is slightly different than the reason for consuming it. Here are few ways you could be benefitted from burning sage 1. Helps in purifying the air Poor air quality can be associated with various health conditions. As such, burning sage is seen as a cheap way